Carte blanche

Once i hatched and fell down.
No wonder people called me a clown.
The branch wasn’t strong enough to hold me up and i slipped away.
I was a little grey they say. Dispassionate and detached. Hence, grey.
No one bothered to pick me up because it was all a competition.
I lacked the courage as i was the result of their premonition.
Surviving this chaos desolately is not a slice of cake.
Death of my parents gave me a heart ache.
They were hunted.
My life, stunted.
I was left to fight with the world’s harsh harmony when i learned to chirp.
Believe me, i was flawless. Envious mates marvelled, though they seemed disturbed.
Hypocritical opinions. Resentful looks. I had nothing to prove
My fellow tree mates called me rue.
Freedom is what I’ve seen people crave for.
Portrayal of diplomacy in a silent war.
Their world is just that one tall leafy tree.
They never realized that freedom, is free.
They’ve made a branch their entire life, their home.
They don’t know about London, Paris or Rome.
I was being camouflaged though i had all the freedom.
I kept myself locked . Indeed, it was a strong gum.
The gum was my cowardice nature who always kept my feet on the ground
when i could have taken a flight towards infinity and way beyond.
Isn’t it rhetorical to even ask a bird to fly?
Dreadful epiphany. An inner cry.
I was flying towards a bright light,  
but then i realized i was dreaming .
I had a notion that maybe the bright light 
seemed to be a signal. Aspirations as fragile as a thin string.
Dreaming about dreams is just moronic when one should be living them.
I took a flight. Let the wind in my wings. Flew away from all the mayhem.


I want to travel back in time when there were just Adam and eve.
When they didn’t worry about their hearts on their sleeve.
 The times where there were no fire crackers or smoke because there were no lighters.
All anyone tried was to not get eaten by tigers.
Rays of sun were the only hope
Darkness at night, around the globe
 The rivers flowed just fine
No electricity no gas line. 
Then Here we are trying to reignite
Making the lights around us shine bright
Letting artificiality lure our fascination 
Dimming ourselves while waiting for salvation.
These Pretty bright things wipe away the darkness
But also brighten up the shadows when the sky seems starless.
I couldn’t gather myself to think about a world without light.
Epiphany.  The world was within me. Finally! An insight.
The fascination explains the need for answers
The darkness within is what makes us light up the lanterns.
 The colours that light up seem mystical 
While Adam and eve seem mythical.
I’d like to believe there exists a world without black. 
But then again what’s the point of lights if the world lacks black?
Lights make one see clearly 
Help Humans and their cavalry.


5350-anonymous-masks-1680x1050-digital-art-wallpaperWhile I was walking down the road 
I met a stranger wearing a black coat.
He had a polite smile on his face 
“Provocative woman.THE NEXT RAPE CASE.”
My mind convinced me of tomorrow’s headlines 
He had crooked teeth , dark circles and fine lines.
Who wouldn’t have thought he was going to commit a crime?
The societal practises have made it an obvious thought over a period of time.
I thought of taking a different route 
Dead silence. Suddenly, A well dressed man in a suit.
I felt safe because I saw a man wearing acceptable clothes
He had a polite smile too. A fake diplomatic one, cleverly  posed. 
The suited man had perfect teeth, heavy eyes, an expensive watch and perfectly set hair 
The black coat man didn’t seem to be impressed by his attire or maybe he didn’t care.
The suited man tried coming close to me making it seem like a protective gear
I could smell his drunken thoughts, suit smeared with beer. 
His mask was of diplomacy, his soul was quite messy 
He put his hand over my shoulder and asked me , “Are you safe?” 
Uncomfortably I said, “fine.” He now didn’t seem like a respectful man in a cape
He wasn’t the rescuer. 
He was the attacker. 
He tried to grope.
I broke.
The man in the black coat pushed the bastard away .
“Madam . Madam. Are you okay?” 
Sometimes,  the genuine faces are shadowed by their appearance 
One learns a lot about humanity in the dark alleys with time and experience. 
How does one see through?
Masks. They should be coloured. Red and blue. 
Red for the people with demons.
Blue for the  ones who respect women. 
Everybody wears them. Tries to bury them.
Brave are the ones who aren’t afraid to throw them.

The silent night.


3:33 am.
She was trying to fight the demons under her  bed. She, Scared of the demons victory over hers wakes up.Sits on a window sill trying to find voices to talk to. 13 floors above the ground in a city that claims it never sleeps. All she wanted was a voice to hold onto and then the cheapest mode of transport came to her rescue.
3:37 am.
she heard the horn .
she could hear the rails sing along with the birds that whispered their morning prayers. The highways shining bright whilst the Window lights going on and off because of someone trying to quench their thirst. She could see the sea far away but couldn’t hear the waves. Someone who might have heard her inner cry for peace made it rain. Trying to make her feel close to the sea. She could hear the leaves dancing and rustling.
A defective street light faraway made her believe that life was like that ray of dim light.  Trying hard to shine but never enough to make this city brighter.  The golden headlights on a bridge over the sea was never enough to make her believe that a shimmering light of hope was enough to cross the bridge. The hills far away gave her a native feeling she fetched for a long time. The wind played with her hair like it belonged to him.
Everything was so soothing that she could hear the clock tick and was afraid that it might wake someone up anytime soon. She Still couldn’t stop staring at that street light . The way it went on and off. She just wanted to relate her life to something,  to someone, to make it more meaningful. 
She realised what the shivering light tried to convey. No matter how small you are , you are big enough to be a ray of hope for someone around. She looked around to find some more insomniacs but was too afraid she was the only one. She saw new arrivals in the city via sky who were about to land. She wasn’t afraid of the dark but she didn’t like it either.
Her shadow was laughing at her choices and her heart was laughing at her madness. A girl who related to things that never meant a thing to anyone. She let the wind hit her before she realised it was past five. She wondered where the sun went then it dawned on her.